Spinal Health
It isn’t as scary or dramatic as heart disease or new infections, but it is important. Studies have shown that low back pain is the biggest contributor to years lost in productive work life because of a disability. So, while it may not make the news, spinal disorders are a significant cost to the health of our communities.
Not all spinal disorders are made equal. Neck and back pain can range from a mild niggle in the neck in the morning to severe radiating pain that never seems to let up. While some of the aches and pains simply need a good rub from a loved one, others can persist and need professional help. Also, the experience of pain often does not match the actual severity of damage to a part of the spine. All these factors make it all the more important to take be proactive and take care of your spine and also know when to go ahead and get care from a professional.
3 Ways To Be Proactive with Your Spinal Health:
1. Watch your back.
Your posture says a lot about you, so you should watch your back. Not out of fear, but respect for your body. Pay attention to your posture in how you position yourself in your free time on a couch or bed, how you sit at work or school and even the positioning of your body in your seat when driving or commuting. Be sure to chat to your chiropractor about your posture to know what things you need to watch out for.
2. Keep it moving.
In recent years, exercise has become almost like a buzz word. Everyone claims to be doing it. And much of the exercise practices revolve around the gym. You may not always be able to go to a gym, or even feel comfortable in one but that does not leave you with no other alternatives. Once in your living room, walk instead of drive, add a stretch routine to your tooth brushing process and take regular breaks every hour you spend sitting down at work or school. So much of modern life keeps us seated and in the same position which can aggravate spinal pain. Take action today and keep it moving.
3. Water your spine.
A well-known fact is that up to 70 percent of the human body is made up of water. What is less known is the surprising fact that dehydration is also a cause of low back pain. In between the bones of the spine, known as vertebrae, there are structures known as intervertebral discs that serve as a cushion between the bones. So, in the event of a person being dehydrated the structures that suffer are these intervertebral discs. The discs typical rehydrate while we sleep, making use of the water we would have consumed. So, to water your spine, make sure to have enough water to drink and to have a good night’s rest.
Spinal health is a bit like oral health - its best to have all daily habits that will help keep bigger problems away. However, in the even that you do continue to have significant aches and pains it is important seek out professional help. Chiropractors are especially well equipped to help diagnose and appropriately manage or refer for most spinal related disorders.