Neurons That Fire Together , Wire Together!
Did you know that you can teach your brain new tricks?
That's all thanks to the power of neuroplasticity. The thought used to be that you were born with a brain that, once developed, would stay the way it is. However the recent discovery of neuroplasticity shows that the brain has the ability to change.
In fact, we grow 700 neurons a day! Neurons is a fancy name for nerve cells. That's a lot of nerve cells and so we want to make sure that all those neurons, and the connections they make, are of the finest quality.
Creating top quality connections take time and practice. The more we do something the better we become at it e.g riding a bike, improving our posture or even working on being more mindful.
It's also super important to acknowledge that just as we are able to create positive connections in the brain and body, we are also able to create bad ones. So take the time this winter to slow down and be mindful of how we use our bodies and our time Are you investing energy into building good connections or bad ones?
Dr Dipal Patel , Chiropractor.